Contact Info
Jan Cameron

Jan’s career has spanned 35 years in both the private and public sectors, predominantly in roles within HR and recruitment. She spent almost 20 years with Sainsbury’s and Homebase working in a range of policy and operational HR roles culminating in heading up the HR Division at Homebase. She then served on the board of the executive search firm Norman Broadbent plc.  For the last six years, Jan has worked as a Civil Service Commissioner regulating recruitment standards in the Civil Service and providing independent assurance that appointments are on merit after fair and open competition.

She was previously a Member-Nominated Director of the Trustee Board for the Sainsbury’s Executive Pension Scheme and has sat as a member of the Employment Tribunal for HM Courts and Tribunals Service in Reading since 2005. Jan is also currently an independent disciplinary panel member for Thames Valley Police.

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