Welcome to the fundraising page of Citizens Advice Wokingham, where we provide free and confidential advice, information and support to the community.

Your donation will help us continue to assist those in need, particularly those struggling with debt and facing redundancy. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference and helps us make a positive impact in the lives of the community. Support us today and help us continue to be the helping hand for those who need it most.

How we helped Cynthia

Cynthia had been working as a carer for several years when she was dismissed on performance grounds. She was confused and upset by the dismissal, and contacted our team for help.

Upon speaking with Cynthia, it became clear that she had been managing a disability and had alerted her colleagues to this. We provided Cynthia with 1-to-1 support to help her navigate the process of challenging her dismissal. This included advice on her rights and options, as well as assistance with gathering evidence and preparing for any necessary meetings or hearings.

Through our support, Cynthia was able to successfully challenge her dismissal and reach a settlement of over £15,000. This outcome demonstrated the importance of providing support and advocacy for individuals facing employment-related challenges, particularly when those challenges may be related to a disability.

How we helped Anthony

Anthony lost his job and was in need of assistance to meet his basic needs. He contacted our adviceline seeking a foodbank referral.

We provided a range of support to Anthony to help him get back on track. This included making a referral to the foodbank to help him access food assistance, as well as doing a benefit calculation to help him understand his entitlements. We also conducted a budget check to help Anthony manage his finances, and reviewed his debts to identify any issues or potential solutions. We alerted Anthony to other support available locally, and administered a household support fund grant to help him with essential household items. Finally, we supported Anthony with a Debt Relief Order to help him manage his debts and get back on track financially.

Through our support, Anthony was able to access the assistance he needed to meet his basic needs and manage his debts. This allowed him to focus on finding a new job and getting back on track financially.

Our work in 2022!

5,656 people

helped to find a way forward with their problems.

21,103 issues

helped with. The top issues included benefits & tax credits, access to charitable support & foodbanks, housing, debt and employment.

£1,043,962 of income gains

secured for clients. This includes through new benefit claims, compensation won, employment wins and benefit appeals.

£457,649 of debt solutions

This includes bankruptcy and debt relief orders. Helping people to move forward.

11,549 calls answered

We were the 8th highest of all Citizens Advice in England and Wales for the number of calls answered.

34 Mental Health First Aiders

We take pride in supporting our clients with empathy and compassion. 34 of our staff and volunteers are trained as Mental Health First Aiders and the number continues to rise