Our Campaigns

At Citizens Advice Wokingham we see thousands of people every year. This gives us a greater understanding of the problems that people experience than any other organisation.

Through our work, we know which policies are working and spot emerging problems early.

At both a national and local level, our research and campaigns work combines these insights with analysis of wider social and economic trends and set out new ideas to improve policy and delivery for all.

Our volunteer Research & Campaigns coordinator is Ros Croy

Our campaigns for 2021/22

  1. Scam Awareness Fortnight 14 – 27th June

  2. Housing Issues
    Letting Conditions – Housing Associations and Council
    Properties – https://socialhousingcomplaints.campaign.gov.uk/
    Rental Discrimination by Estate Agents
    Shelter – Renters Reform Bill

  3. Medical Evidence Costs
    Page 5 of PIP Application Form states that Medical
    Professionals may be contacted for further information – (explore
    why this is not given more prominence and used in the first instance)

    We also plan to do a Survey on Local GPS re Costs for ESA
    Supporting Evidence

  4. Top Tips if you’re booking a holiday this year